Session 1. Teaching and Learning Science
This introductory session of the course begins with participants sharing and discussing their ideas and prior knowledge about some of the themes around which the course was designed. These themes include:
- Local Ecological Knowledge & Place-based learning,
- Developing skills to effectively teach with data in the science classroom,
- Conceptual shifts in teaching and learning as described in science reform documents (e.g. NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education and Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States),.
- Effective teaching practices based on how people learn, and
- Climate science/change concepts.
Participants are introduced to a concept map illustrating how course concepts about climate science and climate change are connected. They then engage in inquiry-based activities from the Ocean Sciences Sequence Curriculum (OSS) to learn science content about density, as the instructor models effective teaching practices. The goals, syllabus and requirements of the course, as well as rationale are reviewed.