K–12 Educators and Schools

MARE offers a variety of powerful curriculum tools, resources, and professional development to help bring the excitement of ocean sciences to your school. Our professional development and curriculum resources are grounded in research and best practices in science education. Our curriculum is inquiry-based, hands-on, and promotes literacy integration and student discussion. Contact us! We are […]

2nd Grade–Sandy Beach

The curriculum is made up of both the MARE Teachers’ Guide to Sandy Beaches and GEMS On Sandy Shores, it includes themes of the rock cycle, invertebrates and marine mammal adaptations.

1st Grade–Life at the Seashore

This three-dimensional curriculum engages students in the science and engineering practices as they deepen their understanding of all the NGSS first-grade life science disciplinary core ideas. Students use patterns and structure and function to examine how living things survive at the seashore, and create a Field Trip Guide to share their understanding of the seashore with visitors coming to observe their classroom seashore.


This curriculum addresses the NGSS as well as Common Core State Standards for ELA and Math by having students explore real ponds, build, maintain, and investigate a desktop model pond in the classroom, research and share information about pond organisms, as well as engineer some solutions to environmental issues that may impact pond organisms occurring in their own schoolyard.

MARE Teacher’s Guides to Marine Habitats: K–5

MARE Teacher’s Guides to Marine Habitats: K–5 The MARE Teacher’s Guides to Marine Habitats provide an outstanding resource for engaging a whole school simultaneously in the study of a common theme—MARE offers extensive professional learning around using the curriculum this way. The Guides address earth, physical and life sciences; language arts; environmental and social justice […]